外資系 転職 人材紹介のGaipro

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お互いに何とか英語で話をすることはできるものの、こちらの意図が正確に伝わったかどうか、不安な思いをしたことはありませんか? 双方の英語がよほど流暢レベルではない限り、外国語で正確かつ迅速なコミュニケーションを取り、将来にわたり信頼できるパートナーシップを築いていくことは容易ではありません。また、日本の場合、英語による情報発信は日本語と比べて情報量があまりにも少ないため、ヨーロッパからのゲスト自身による事前の情報収集が非常に困難な場合も多いです。


     Starting Meaningful Contacts to Potential Partners at Japanese Exhibitions
     - Professional Interpretation in German and Japanese -

     Gaipro supports visitors from Europe who attend business exhibitions in Japan to open doors to the Japanese market. It is a fact that many Japanese have only a limited command of English. We help you to prepare your visit, ask your questions the right way to the right person and interpret the answers in order to avoid misunderstandings.

3 great advantages when choosing Gaipro's interpreters:

1) Opening a dialogue has more chances to be successful if it is well prepared
We are ready to provide information about exhibitions in advance, discussing upon your arrival your specific intensions and getting information on site about the companies of interest to you.

2) Find a way to the decision makers
The people at an exhibition booth are often only educated to answer questions in Japanese. Our interpreters can help you to find more background information in order to get a chance to meet or at least to learn about the name of the person responsible for international business.

3) Use the advantage to talk in your mother tongue
If two people meet for the first time, it is easier for them to speak in their own language. The Gaipro interpreters serve as the go-between. Therewith you get much more accurate answers and in addition you have more time to prepare your next question.

Up to 4 hours: 10,000 yen/h +VAT (5%)
Additional hours: 8,000 yen/h +VAT (5%)

Gaipro's interpreters have native or native-level language skills and professional working experience as interpreters.

For more information please contact Ms Rie Yamaguchi. rie.yamaguchi@gaipro.com
TEL +81-(0)3-5913-9588.